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Are Vape Pens and Cartridges Odorable to Drug Dogs?

Drug sniffer dogs are unique in that they are all trained to detect particular odors. This means that, as long as it has a scent, a dog may be trained to detect nearly anything. Based on this, I’ll give you a quick answer and then go into more detail about how drugs can smell like vape pens. Do canine drug sniffers detect vape pens? Depending on what is in the juice and cartridge, drug sniffer dogs can detect vape cartridges and pens. Police canines can give off signals to indicate the things they have been trained to find, which in certain cases include nicotine and cannabis. The basic truth is that no matter how effectively the scent is covered up if you have vaped juice with a component in it that dogs are trained to detect, the dog will sniff it. Here is the Source link to another article on the same topic.

How do vape pens and cartridges make drug dogs smell?

Police dog handlers and customs officers whose interviews I’ve read claim that only two to five different narcotics can be detected by drug dogs.

This means that even if cannabis or THC is present in a vape juice cartridge, police or customs canine that has been trained to sniff out these substances can still discover and alert for them. Drug dogs may still be able to identify substances like cannabis, marijuana, and THC even if they are in liquid form and blended with nicotine vape juice. It’s because sniffer dogs can distinguish between odors that are blended.

You can observe crime-fighting canines assisting police handlers in sniffing out a variety of prohibited narcotics at airports, festivals, or other public places. Vape pens and cartridges can be detected by drug dogs. However, whether or not they do so relies on their training and the ingredients in the vape juice.